Our Team



Farm manager, list maker, fixer of small problems with makeshift solutions. Capers can be found around the farm organizing things neatly.

Capers spent her early twenties working in both human rights and environmental protection. Finding fulfillment in neither individually, she became interested in farming as a way to bridge the two. In 2013 she began her journey of working in agriculture at Soul Fire Farm, in upstate, NY. Since then, she’s worked on other farms in New York and Oregon, finally landing here at Working Theory Farm in the Spring of 2019.

When she’s not on the farm, she can be found traveling all across the planet, taking photos, writing letters, and making socially inspired pieces of collage art.

Contact: capers@workingtheoryfarm.com



Farm educator, grant writer, meeting manager, teller of corny jokes. Henney can be found around the farm asking thoughtful questions and listening intently to the answers, as well as encouraging everyone to drink plenty of water.

Henney was born and raised in the White Mountains of New Hampshire and he’s worked in experiential education with young people from toddlers to teens for the last four years. While working seasonally in wild places from the San Rafael Swell of Utah to the High Sierras of California, Henney came to love place-based learning and to long for a more rooted lifestyle.

Henney first moonlighted at Working Theory Farm in 2015 but came here to stay in 2019 to join in the transition to a nonprofit and to build a supportive space for youth to grow.

Contact: henney@workingtheoryfarm.com



Bear is a listener and learner who arrived in Oregon in 2017. Their passion for growing food, community building, youth justice, and imagining futures free of violence has brought them to join Working Theory Farm as the Youth Program Manager in April 2023. After taking a break from working in social services to cultivate land-based skills and knowledge, they were excited to return to their roots and nurture joy and leadership with youth while still stewarding land.

They bring with them experience working with underserved youth on the streets of Vermont and in rural Oregon and as a crisis worker in alternative systems to police responses, as well as with native plants and regenerative gardening. Bear can be found off the farm foraging with their dog and friends or cooking elaborate Shabbat dinners.

Contact: bear@workingtheoryfarm.com


Nita is a first generation Indian American passionate about farming, mutual aid efforts, and teaching. They joined Working Theory as the Community Engagement Manager in March 2022 and can be found experiencing delight in the shape and color of a veggie and encouraging folks to take a deep breath. 

Nita first fell in love with farming during a summer internship at Green String Farm in Petaluma, CA. After working as a research coordinator, a legal assistant, and other odd jobs, they found themselves ready to return to land-based work focused on building capacity in their local community. 

Contact: nita@workingtheoryfarm.com 



Farm founder, bringer of coffee and popsicles, fixer of large problems with even larger solutions. Justin originally left his career as a public high school teacher and set out to create a farm-based education program after seeing first hand the ways that growing plants could reach those students that the traditional system could not.